For the seventh year, Dr. Colette Drouillard of Valdosta State University, donated thousands of dollars worth of new books for K - 12 students in Decatur County. These books, which include picture books, middle grades, and young adult titles, will be cataloged and added to the collections of the school Media Centers in the county if they have hardback covers and used as prizes and giveaways if they are paperbacks. Dr. Drouillard is an associate professor in the Department of Library and Information Studies at VSU and an alumna of FSU's School of Library and Information Science. In the past seven years, Dr. Drouillard has donated close to fifty thousand dollars worth of new books to Decatur County Schools.
Librarian Claudia Montague and BHS library staff
unboxed and organized four book carts of donations
which will be divided among the county Media Centers.